Monday 21 February 2011

February update

Wylam community Orchard is finally off the ground. So far we planted about 32 trees and theres another planting weekend in march.

I've joined in with the 12 for 11 on and am trying to buy only twelve items of clothes this year. Not doing well so far bought 3 items and its only February!!! Maybe having it on here will help me achieve? hmmmm

Spring into Action

Sadly I lost Gertie the chicken. Molly and Henrietta appear to be coping fine. In the hopes of keeping them dry in the rain and shaded in the sun I have added a cover/shade to the chicken coop and the girls appear to like it.

And now that the snow has gone i'm starting to think about what to do / grow in the rest of the garden.

Edible garden
The last of the Summer Jam has now gone as gifts apart from the jar I have on the go.
I'm starting to use up my supplies of dried mint leaves. Theres something about minted new potatoes!
Theres not much left from the 2010 harvest so I think its time to start reading the edible garden again and start making plans.