Thursday, 14 October 2010

Eggs three days in a row

Wow as the title says 3 eggs I'm quite impressed. The girls are getting used to my habits now and seem to follow me about while not trying to escape of course!

Molly has developed the irritating habit of trying to peck the egg as soon as I go to get it from the nest box. I have to wear a glove at the moment as she pecks me the whole time.

Not to mention the three tinkers were trying to jump out of the nest box tonight. Possibly because they thought I was distracted because I was on the phone. I'm sure my friend thinks I'm mad! Nothing new there then!

Oh and they loved the Acorns  :0) So i might look for more windfall on Saturday when its light. They were not so keen on apple must have been a cooking apple :-(

Saturday, 9 October 2010

All Clean

Girls cleaned out as Saturday is cleaning day. New bark in the run as well. An egg last night when i put them to bed and an egg this morning as a bonus! Now off to google wether chickens can eat Acorns as theres some on the Oak tree at the back of the garden.

Might make Cinnamon muffins later as I need cakes to take into work Monday.

Edible Garden
- have taken the last of the tomatoes into my porch and they seem to be ripening woo hoo

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Neighbour relations

No egg tonight :0(

The girls are still managing about one egg a day between them, I am now convinced that two are laying and the third one not.

Hopefully by next summer and the longer days they'll all be ready and willing to lay!

The good news is I've managed to deliver some eggs to the neighbours on both sides so that should help for good neighbour relations. although I currently have no eggs which is completely bonkers!

Gonna start saving up some for the folks and brother again as my family clearly go through more eggs than I do

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Moving day

Yesterday was moving day for the chickens. Yet again family membrs were drafted in to help.

We moved the girls coop to another patch of garden and the attached run has now been filled with bark in an effort to give them some dry space as my garden is fast becoming its annual winter bog.

The girls made a bit of a fuss at first but then seemed quite happy and were merrily scrathcing away in the bark looking for the corn I thew in.

When I got up to let them out this morning they rushed straightout so I assume they are pleased with the new location and home improvements!

As I write they seem somewhat bemused by the new feature of being able to be outside and not wet and are currently running backwards and forwards between the sheltered bit of run ( Roof covered with plastic) and the non sheltered bit. I'm sure they'll work it out